Lesson 39

Instructions for Lesson 39

Introduce the long-vowel a, which says |ā|, as in aim.
Also introduce y acting as a silent vowel in the ay spelling, as in pray and day.

Although the lists appear more complex, we still are adding only one pattern at a time.


ai = |ā|


I & II NEW PATTERN. The ai spelling pattern says |ā|, as in rain. Usually the ai
is followed by at least one consonant, as in aim and faith. Maine has a silent e.

ay = |ā| y as a vowel


III NEW CONCEPT. There is an ay spelling pattern with y serving as a vowel and having a long-vowel a sound |ā|, as in day. Most ay words have ay at the end of a word or syllable, as in play and daytime |dāy • tīmɇ|. When a syllable or word begins with the letter y, as in yes and beyond |bē • yŏnd|, the letter y is functioning as a consonant, not a vowel. (References: Lessons E and 1)

ank = |ā| ang = |ā|


IV LEARN the ank and ang patterns. These are pronounced with the longvowel a sound, |ā|, as in bank and sang. These words involve the so-called second sound for the consonants n and g (nk and ng). (Reference: Lesson 20)

air = |âr| are = |âr|


V LEARN spelling patterns air and are, which have the long-vowel sound of |ār| with the slight r change (hair and share). The sound is usually represented in the dictionary with the symbol |âr|.

|ā| |âr|


aim wait sail pail aid gain main hail tail mail


rain nail vain jail gait faith plain braid brain claim Maine chain sprain quail drain


day say bay pay hay way gray pray stray spray play stay tray clay May


bank sank yank blank thank sang rang gang hang pang


hair air fair pair chair share dare rare care pare

* The air and are spellings have a slight sound change in long-vowel a words, |âr|, as in hair and care.

Challenge Words: daytime beyond fairway nineteen Sunday railway weekday

[day • time] [be • yond] [fair • way] [nine • teen] [Sun • day] [rail • way] [week • day]