Lesson 65

Instructions for Lesson 65

Introduces the le, el, al, il, ol, and ul spelling patterns for the schwa pronunciation, |əl|, as in simple, travel, dental, devil, carol, and mogul.

Schwa Endings: |әl|


I – IV LEARN the schwa spelling patterns le, el, al, il, ol, and ul pronounced |ŭl| or |əl| and used in simple, travel, dental, devil, carol, and mogul, respectively. The schwa is pronounced like a shortened short-vowel u, |ŭ|, as in locust. Surprisingly, any vowel (a, e, i, o, u) can produce the schwa sound. Dictionaries use the upside-down e (ә) to represent the schwa sound.


I LEARN the ie spelling pattern for the schwa, as in simple |sĭm′ • pəl|.
II LEARN the el spelling pattern for the schwa, as in travel |trăv′ • əl|.
III LEARN the al spelling pattern for the schwa, as in dental |dĕn′ • təl|.
IV LEARN the il, ol, and ul spelling patterns for the schwa, as in devil |dĕ′ • vəl|, carol |kār′ • əl|, and mogul |mōʹ • gәl|, respectively.

Review: |әl|


V & VI REVIEW the le, el, al, il, ol, and ul spelling patterns, which have a schwa sound. Continue to pay attention to the meaning of words. We have included similar words like capital and capitol in order to prompt discussion. Keep a dictionary handy.

Every Syllable Must Have at Least One Vowel


In theory, the words in this review section could be pronounced successfully if the vowel were missing from the second syllable, e.g., dentl (|dĕn • təl|). But, since every syllable in English is supposed to have at least one vowel, these schwa endings include either an a, e, i, o, or u (dental, simple, travel, devil, carol, and mogul). The vowel may be silent, but it must appear. One exception to this vowel rule, according to some dictionaries, is the ending ism (as in capitalism), which is usually separated into two syllables (is • m). The m is counted as a stand-alone syllable, even though it is a lone letter and not even a vowel.

Schwa: |əl|



simple bubble dazzle cattle eagle staple giggle uncle tackle pickle



travel tunnel flannel gospel bushel camel nickel level shrivel channel



dental rental sandal signal oral normal coral floral metal jackal



devil evil weevil pistil tendril


carol pistol Mongol


mogul consul

Review: |əl|


angle dental mogul camel settle rental petal table signal total marble sample apple oral cruel fumble staple chapel level little postal pistol rascal animal


middle travel able Bible dazzle triangle medal battle mammal sandal normal possible barrel metal dribble novel jewel capital evil single oval axle eagle capitol

Challenge Words: hospital rattlesnake

[hos • pi • tal] [rat • tle • snake]