Lesson 87

Instructions for Lesson 87

Introduce f, ff, ph, gh, and v, all of which say |f|, as in fifteen, office, phone, rough, and svelte.



I REVIEW the |f| sound for the f and ff spelling patterns, as in fifteen and office. [Lessons C and 1]

II REVIEW the |f| sound for the German-based ph spelling pattern, as in phone and graph. [Lesson 75]

III REVIEW the |f| sound for the German-based gh spelling pattern, as in rough and laugh. [Lesson 85]

IV LEARN the |f| sound for the v spelling pattern, as in svelte.

Review: |f|


V & VI REVIEW the |f| sound made by f, ff, ph, gh, and v, as in fifteen, office, phone, rough, and svelte, respectively.


Be sure that your student understands the challenge words! Literacy is a skill that involves sound patterns (phonics) and spelling patterns (orthography). It also necessitates knowing the order of the alphabet letters (alphabetization) and is an occasion for developing handwriting skills (chirography). The correct or accepted pronunciation of words is called orthoepy.


All of the state names listed in this lesson have at least one slightly irregular syllable. On pages 255-265 are lists of terms and words, presented in the order in which they are introduced in these lessons. These lists include such entries as the days of the week, months of the year, number words, pronouns, map terms, states of the United States, and general science terms. These words may be useful when you devise practice and review exercises for your student.

Three lessons from now, you will be awarding your student a certificate of completion. A master of this certificate is found on page 195. Now would be a good time to choose a nice paper on which to produce this or a certificate of your own making. Consider putting the certificate in a nice frame.



f and ff

fifteen alfalfa myself tariff fluff office faith belief shelf coffee



phone asphalt phonics nephew paragraph graph dolphins orphan alphabet photograph



rough tougher cough enough troughs laugh roughly laughing toughest coughing




Review: |f|


fifteen autograph laughs referee roughrider telephone polygraph coffee laughable alphabet office graphics profit roughage xylophone hemisphere physical coughing geography topographic


svelte liftoff elephant phonics orphan phrase enough phone Philadelphia photograph phonograph cartography Maryland Pennsylvania New Hampshire California

Challenge Words: phonics orthography chirography alphabetization orthoepy

[phon • ics] [or • thog • ra • phy] [chi • rog • ra • phy] [al • pha • bet • i • za • tion] [or • tho • e • py]