Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
am (A, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9), at (A, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9), bat (A, 1), lab (B, 1, 3), ban (B, 1, 5, 7), ram (C, 1, 5, 9), ax (E, 1), ad (10, 11, 12), cat (13, 16), back (14, 16, 18, 34, 80), cap (33), admire (34, 64), laugh (85)
cape (33), game (34), aim (39), day (39, 73), play (39, 40), chain (40), pay (44), spray (47), quail (47), gray (39, 50), playback (53), maybe (54), graded (59), faded (60), halo (61), face (71), ache (79), bacon (80)
bank (39, 40), sang (39, 40)
pare (34), pair (39), hair (39, 40), share (39, 40)
ball (55), law (55), fault (55), war (55), quart (55)
calm (55), watts (55), quad (55), star (55), heart (77)
want (55), quash (55), ma (55)
polar (69), nectar (69)
dental (65, 66, 72), ago (66), vacant (72), balance (72), captain (89)
seat (36), ear (36), boat (41), Cairo (89)
war (55), quart (55), taupe (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
bat (A, 1), lab (B, 3), bag (C, 1), bit (2, 3), bib (2, 3), bob (4, 5), bug (6), buzz (6), bus (6, 7, 9), ebb (8), bet (8, 9), bell (8), bad (12), back (14, 16), blot (22, 24), brim (22), bless (22, 23), blastoff (28)
lamb (81), climb (81)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
rocks (14, 15, 16), locks (15, 21, 80)
face (71), city (71), cycle (71), balance (72), absence (72), ceiling (76), façade (89)
chop (26), much (26), inch (26), match (26), teacher (79, 83), church (83), cello (83), cappuccino (83)
chef (78, 79), facial (78), ocean (78)
ocean (78), musician (78)
czar (82), scene (82)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
ad (10, 11, 12), add (10, 11, 12), bad (12), dill (18), held (19), land (19), drug (22), dress (23), address (28), added (30), dot (33), dream (47), cleaned (56), drummed (57), fibbed (58), tuned (59)
added (30, 56), batted (57), kidded (57), faded (60), raided (60)
cooked (56), snapped (57), hopped (57), tripped (57, 58), joked (59)
welds (20), lands (20), mends (20)
soldier (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
net (8, 37), bet (8, 9, 18), red (10, 11), led (10, 11), den (10, 11), text (24), met (8, 33), set (8, 37), best (19, 37), stretch (26), ready (77), deaf (77), pear (77), there (27), they’re (83), their (84)
hem (8), ten (8), den (11), enlist (64)
mete (33), Pete (34), free (35), feet (35), be (36), we (36), the (36), seat (36, 37), meat (37, 38), week (38), weak (38), seaside (53), weekday (54), rebate (61, 64), veto (61), prevent (64), redo (64), before (64), ceiling (76), seize (76), beyond (76), key (76), money (76), deice (76), being (76), each (77)
here (34), deer (35), ear (36), hear (36), near (38), steer (38), seize (76), weird (76)
boxes (30), classes (30)
tested (30), added (30, 56), bunted (32), jolted (56), batted (57), kidded (57), clotted (58), graded (59), faded (60), raided (60)
cleaned (56), drummed (57), fibbed (57, 58), tuned (59), heaved (60)
cooked (56), snapped (57), tripped (57, 58), joked (59), braked (60)
mane (33), ride (33), bake (34), free (35), weed (37), peel (38), toe (41, 43), pie (45), bye (45), cue (48), loose (51), jolted (56), drummed (57), fibbed, (58), joked (59), shined (59), tithed (60)
veil (76), they (76), great (77), eight (81)
feisty (76), eye (76)
new (48, 49), flew (48, 49)
few (48), feud (48), beauty (89), Europe (89)
her (69), learn (77)
heart (77), hearty (77), sergeant (89)
simple (65), camel (65), seven (66), the (66), fallen (72), parent (72), absence (72), women (89), sergeant (89)
envoy (89), encore (89)
pretty (89)
sew (89), bureau (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
fan (C, 1, 9), if (2), off (4, 18), gift (19), golf (21), flag (22), fled (22), fret, (23), fifteen (87), office (87)
of (67)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
gas (C, 1, 9), bag (C, 1), big (2), got (4), rug (6), egg (8), legs (19), glad (22, 23), grass (24), crabgrass (28), glint (32), green (35, 47), garage (84), ghetto (85), afghan (85)
song (20), songs (20)
age (71), engine (71), gym (71), garage (71, 84)
garage (71, 84), mirage (71, 84)
rough (85, 87), cough (85), laugh (85)
gnu (81), sign (81), light (81), eight (81), taught (81, 85), ought (85)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
hat (D, 1, 9), ham (D, 3), hip (2, 3), hit (3, 5), hog (4), hut (6), hop (7), hem (8), huff (9)
ad (10, 11, 12), add (10, 11, 12), bad (12), dill (18), held (19), land (19), drug (22), dress (23), address (28), added (30), dot (33), dream (47), cleaned (56), drummed (57), fibbed (58), tuned (59)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
site (33), pile (34), bike (34), pie (45), kind (45), mild (45), quite (46), shined (60), silent (61), sign (81), light (81)
if (2, 7), it (2, 3), in (2, 9), bit (2), mill (2, 3, 5), tip (2, 18), sit (3, 9), ill (7), dill (10, 11), is (17), mistake (64), disclose (64), include (64), picnic (72), racism (72)
fire (45), tire (45)
boxing (31), batting (57), patting (58), grading (59), handiest (63), handiness (63), manliness (63), taxi (70), field (74), babies (74)
devil (65, 66), rapid (66), finish (72)
first (69), bird (69)
million (89), onion (89), opinion (89), milieu (89)
milieu (89), lieutenant (89)
rain (39), seize (76), plaid (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
jam (D, 1, 5), jazz (E, 1, 3), Jim (2), job (4, 7), jug (6), jet (8), jog (9)
hallelujah (89)
jalapeño (89)
fjord (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
kit (13), back (14), rocks (14, 15, 16), milk (19), ask (19, 21), bunk (20), bunks (20, 21), asks (21), skit (22), napkin (29), kind (45, 80), locks (80)
knot (81), knees (81)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
lab (B, 1, 3), ill (2, 7), lot (4), held (19), melt (19), milk (19), hulk (19), elm (20), films (20), helps (20), blot (22), flag (22), clip (22), black (22), spell (23), caplet (28), inlet (29), landed (32), quail (47), rule (50), playback (53), yellow (54), ball (55), joyful (72), usefully (72)
simple (65), travel (65), dental (65, 72), devil (65), carol (65), mogul (65)
half (82)
tortilla (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
mat (A, 1), am (A, 1, 3), mass (C, 1, 3, 7), mill (2, 3, 5), mop (4), mum (6), met (8), ram (9), jump (19), films (20), lamps (21), smug (22), smog (23), drumstick (28), freshman (29), dream (44, 47), room (50), streamline (53)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
nap (B, 1), in (2), ban (3), not (4, 5), run (6), man (7), net (8), on (9), land (19), hints (20), lands (20), font (21), snap (22), snug (23)
bunk (20), song (20), bunks (20), songs (20)
hymn (82), column (82)
vignette (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
pop (4), not (4, 33)
off (4, 18), boss (4)
pop (4), not (4, 33), off (4, 18), on (4), job (4, 5), top (7, 18), toss (9), hop (33), cost (42), jog (43), cough (85, 86), ought (85, 86)
note (33), code (33), hope (33, 41, 42), boat (41), soul (41, 86), toe (41), coast (42), soap (43), quote (43), snow (43), hold (43), go (43), coach (44), roadside (53), joked (59), zoning (60), open (61)
score (34), more (34, 41), oar (41), door (41, 42), four (41, 68, 86), horse (42, 67), your (43, 86), born (43), offshore (54)
moon (48, 51), too (48, 51), loose (48, 51), choose (48, 51), do (48, 51, 70), lose (48, 51), room (48, 50, 51), who (51, 70), shoe (70), soup (70, 86), you (70, 86)
book (51, 52), could (70, 86)
blood (51), convert (64), carol (65), lemon (66), famous (66, 67, 86), of (67), front (67), money (67), does (67), conspire (67), complain (67), rough (85, 86), touch (86)
flavor (69), word (69), journey (69, 86), nourish (69, 86), courage (86)
boil (68), boy (68)
out (68), proud (68), owl (68), down (68), shout (86), ground (86)
one (67, 89), once (67, 89), choir (89), memoir (89)
women (89)
people (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
pat (B, 1), pass (C, 1), pit (2), top (7), gaps (19), kept (19), jump (19), helps (20), camps (20), spin (22), pled (22), sped (23)
phone (87), graph (87)
Psalms (81), pterodactyl (81), pneumonia (81), psychology (81)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
quiz (13, 16), squid (22), quick (80)
mosquito (89), antique (89), quiche (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
ram (C, 1), rib (2), brim (22), trip (22), trust (22), scram (22)
her (69), first (69), polar (69), flavor (69), word (69), turn (69), syrup (69), learn (69), journey (69)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
Sam (C, 1), sat (C, 1), pass (C, 1), bus (6), ask (19, 21), gaps (19), pets (19), best (19), lands (20), bunks (20), songs (20), asks (21), texts (21), scan (22), skit (22), spin (22), stop (22, 23), scram (22, 24), squid (22), bats (57), struts (58), votes (59)
is (17), tags (58)
dish (25), shop (25), sheep (35, 78), push (70, 78), issue (78), assure (78), Russia (78)
shred (25)
session (78), mission (78)
usual (84), vision (84)
isle (82), island (82), Illinois (82), Arkansas (82)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
tat (A, 1), pets (19), kept (19), melt (19), rent (19), best (19), act (20), hints (20), text (20), texts (20), stop (22), strut (22), trip (22), batted (57)
this (27), that (27)
thin (27), path (27)
partial (78), motion (78), section (78)
match (26), catch (26, 82), listen (82), clothes (89), croquet (89)
future (83), statue (83), righteous (83), Christian (83)
Christianity (83)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
ad (10, 11, 12), add (10, 11, 12), bad (12), dill (18), held (19), land (19), drug (22), dress (23), address (28), added (30), dot (33), dream (47), cleaned (56), drummed (57), fibbed (58), tuned (59)
cure (34, 48, 49), pure (48)
use (33), cute (33, 48), cue (48), cube (48)
put (70), full (70), could (70), joyful (72), usefully (72)
tube (48), blue (48), flu (48), truth (48), rule (48), fruit (48, 49), ruling (60), duplex (61)
turn (69)
buy (82), guest (82), guard (82), guitar (82), guy (82), league (82), fluoride (89)
busy (89)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
van (D, 1), give (89), motive (89), leave (89)
svelte (87)
[Consonant and Vowel]
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
wag (D, 1), twin (22)
which (27), why (45)
who (51), whom (51), whose (51)
brown (68)
snow (43), law (55), two (82), write (82)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
ax (E, 1), six (2, 15), box (4, 15, 75), text (20), texts (20), exile (75)
exit (75), example (75), exile (75)
Xerox™ (75), xyloid (75)
complexion (75, 78)
[Consonant and Vowel]
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
yam (E, 1, 7), yes (8, 73), beyond (73)
gym (71, 73), myth (73)
day (39, 73), play (39, 73), key (76), money (76)
sky (45, 62), fly (45), bye (45), type (45, 46), try (45, 46, 62), reply (62, 73), myself (62, 73), apply (73), eye (76, 89)
lyre (45, 46)
lady (62), messy (62), handy (63), daily (73), funny (73), key (76), money (76)
boy (68, 73), enjoy (68, 73)
syrup (69, 73), martyr (69, 73)
Maryland (87), Pennsylvania (87)
Sample Words (Lesson Found in)
zap (E, 1, 17), jazz (E, 1, 17)
seizure (84), glazier (84)
pretzel (89), quartz (89)