Lesson 16

Instructions for Lesson 16

Review five pronunciation and spelling patterns for the |k| sound.

This lesson REVIEWS five of the six spelling patterns for the |k| sound: c, k, ck(s), x, and qu, as in cat, kit, back, rocks, fox, and quiz. [A sixth pattern, ch, is found in the words ache, chasm, and Christmas and will be handled in Lesson 79.] All six spelling patterns for the |k| sound will be reviewed again in Lesson 80.



c = |k|

cat cut cap cod con cull


k = |k|

kit kid kin kiss kill keg


ck = |k| cks = |ks|

back pack mock sock luck quick rocks socks picks lacks decks ducks


x = |ks|

ax wax vex six fox tux


qu = |khw|

quiz quill quip quit quid quell

Review: |k| |ks| |khw|


kit cull quick ox quiz packsduck  quell locks keg six cab