Review the short-vowel e spelling pattern pronounced |ĕ|, as in set and text. We saw a great many of these short-vowel words in Unit 1.
This lesson also reviews the long-vowel spelling patterns ea and ee pronounced |ē|, as in neat and feed.
Words that are homophones are introduced in this lesson.
Students often enjoy learning homophones, as these words
If you are using the detailed completion chart, it is time for the next card. [See page 297]
I – III REVIEW the SHORT vowel e spelling and pronunciation pattern |ĕ|, as in set.
REVIEW the LONG vowel e spelling pattern ea pronounced |ē|, as in each.
IV NEW CONCEPT. A significant number of English words are classified as homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. [Homo means same and phone means sound; therefore, same sound.] Meet sounds like meat (“Kurtus will meet us at the meat market”) but they are different, distinct words. The existence of homophones illustrates the importance of considering context to decide meaning and spelling. Keep a dictionary handy for definition support.
Occasionally, you can enhance your student’s comprehension skills by using an object to illustrate a word. Roman numeral IV gives us the homophones beet and beat. You might use these in a sentence, as follows: “A pickled beet is hard to beat,” then offer your student a slice of one. Show-and-tell is often memorable.
Homophones might be viewed as difficult by a few students. However, most students find them easy and fun to learn.
Spelling continues to be important. When calling out these words for your student to spell, be sure that you give him a clear definition. This will allow him to be able to determine the word you intend for him to write on the paper. Take your time. Slow down if needed. Relax and enjoy the learning process.
V REVIEW the short-vowel e sound, as in etch, and the long-vowel e sound
spelled ea, as in each.
VI REVIEW the short-vowel e sound, as in help, and the long-vowel e sound spelled ee, as in weed.
LOOKING AHEAD: Lesson 62 will introduce the |ē| sound spelled y, as in lady and penny. Lesson 74 will introduce the |ē| sound spelled ie, as in field and babies. Lesson 76 will introduce the |ē| sound spelled ei and ey, as in seize, ceiling, key, and money. We are learning one pattern at a time.
HOMOPHONES are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Some of the words below are homophones. Can you spot them?