Reviews the long-vowel |ō| that appears in the spelling patterns oa, silent e, oe, oo, and ou, as in coat, quote, toe, floor, and soul.
This lesson introduces the long-vowel |ō| that appears in snow, hold, most, both, go, floor, and born.
You might think, when looking at these lists, that they are more complex than previous ones. We are simplifying the learning process by introducing and mastering one pattern at a time. Keep in mind that all of these words are pronounced with one vowel sound (|ō|). Your student already knows all of the consonant letters, blends, and digraphs on this page. Roman numeral II adds one consonant, w, which acts as a vowel in these words. Your student will not find these words as difficult as you might think.
I REVIEW the oa, silent e, oe, and ou spelling patterns for the long-vowel o sound |ō|, as in soap, quote, toe, and soul and the our in four.
II NEW PATTERN. Learn the ow spelling pattern for the long-vowel o, as in snow. In these words, the w changes from acting as a consonant to acting as the second vowel in the word. Thus, the pattern holds that the second vowel is silent, and the first
vowel says its name.
III NEW PATTERN. Learn the ol, ost, and oth spelling patterns for the long-vowel o sound, |ō|, as in hold, most, and both.
IV LEARN the o spelling pattern for the long-vowel o sound, |ō|, as in go.
LEARN the oor and or spelling patterns for the |ōr| sound, as in floor and born. Tell your student that the sound of long-vowel o changes a bit when o is followed by an r. Again, these are called r-controlled words.
V & VI REVIEW spelling patterns for both the long-vowel o and the short-vowel o.
The sounds of ou and ow have been or will be introduced as follows:
Lesson 41 ou our = |ō| and |ōr| soul, four
Lesson 43 ow = |ō| snow, bowl
Lesson 67 ou = |ŭ| or |ә| touch, famous
Lesson 68 ou ow = the diphthong |ow| out, owl
Lesson 69 our = |әr| journey
Lesson 70 ou = |ü| and |ů| soup and could
Lesson 85 ou = |ŭ| and |ŏ| rough and cough
Lesson 86 Review of the ou sounds
Challenge Words: sleepless concrete coastline roadside snowboard fourteen boatload
[sleep • less] [con • crete] [coast • line] [road • side] [snow • board] [four • teen] [boat • load]