Introduce the |ô| pronunciation used in al, aw, au, and qua, as found in such words as ball, law, fault, and squall.
Also introduce the |ä| pronunciation used in al, wa, qua, and ar, as found in the words calm, watts, quad, and star.
Introduce words pronounced |ä|, |ô|, or |ō|, as in want, quash, ma, and war.
If you are using the detailed completion chart, it is time for the next card. [See page 299]
LEARN the |ô| and |ä| sounds of a. These two sounds are quite similar and often pronounced the same. Note that they resemble the short sound for the letter o |ŏ|, as in on and off. Some readers will detect the nuances of these sounds.
I LEARN the |ô| sound spelled al, as in ball and salt.
LEARN the |ô| sound spelled aw and wa, as in law and wall. The aw spelling is usually found at the end (final) or middle (medial) position of a word, as in law and dawn. The wa is usually found at the beginning (initial) position of words and syllables, as in wall and wasp.
LEARN the |ô| sound spelled au and qua, as in fault and quart. The au spelling is usually found at the beginning (initial) position or in the medial position of a word, as in aught and haul. The qua is usually in the initial position in a syllable. The words warm and ward, though not spelled with an au, also have the |ȏ| sound.
We have enough pattern knowledge as of this lesson to learn the word fault. Fault
has two meanings: “It’s not Lyla’s fault that her twin sisters are not easy to tell apart” and “The earthquake revealed a previously unrecognized fault under the parking lot.”
II LEARN the |ä| sound spelled al, qua, wa, and ar, as in calm, quad, and star. Note: When ar is the unaccented syllable, the sound is usually pronounced |әr|, as in polar and molar. This particular sound will be covered in Lesson 69.
III LEARN the sounds |ä|, |ô|, and |ō| and the spellings wa, qua, and a, as in want, quash, and ma. The dictionary indicates that either |ä| or |ȏ| can be used with these words.
LEARN the sounds |ô| or |ō| with words like war and quart.
IV & V REVIEW the |ô| and |ä| sounds found in words like ball, law, fault, quad, star, want, ma, war, and quart
Your student does not yet know all of the patterns found in aught. While au is introduced in this lesson, the silent gh will not be introduced until Lesson 81.
Challenge Word: zigzag
[two-syllable word] [zig • zag]