Lesson 57

Instructions for Lesson 57

Introduce the practice of doubling a final consonant when adding the ed or ing ending to a short-vowel word.
The ed ending is pronounced with one of three sounds: |ĕd| as in batted, |d| as in drummed, or |t| as in snapped.
We also look at adding s to short-vowel words, as in bats, jogs, and snaps.

Adding suffixes: ed ing s


When adding an ed or ing ending to a short-vowel word, we must double the final consonant to preserve the short vowel sound. For hop, we add another p plus the ed and get hopped. (Otherwise, we would get hoped |hōpt|, which is not the word we want). Similarly, for adding ing, we double the final consonant and get hopping.

When ed says |әd|


I & II NEW CONCEPT. Introduce the process of adding the ed ending and doubling the final consonant for short-vowel words like bat. In words ending with the |d| or |t| sound, the ed is pronounced as its own syllable |əd| or |ĕd|:
batted, pronounced |bă||təd|. We maintain the short-vowel sound in the root word by doubling the final consonant before adding ed: kidkidded.


INTRODUCE the process of doubling the final consonant in short-vowel root words before adding ing, as in batting.


INTRODUCE the practice of adding s to a short-vowel word or syllable (like bat). When adding s, there is no need to double the final consonant (bats not batts).

When ed says |d|


III & IV INTRODUCE adding the ed ending to short-vowel words like drum. To preserve the short-vowel sound, we must double the final voiced consonant m, and then add ed. Drummed is pronounced as a single syllable |drŭmd|.


LEARN the ing and s endings. Double the final consonant when adding –ing, as in drumming. We do not double the final consonant, however, when all we are doing is adding s (drums not drumms).

When ed says |t|


V & VI LEARN the ed ending that is pronounced |t|. To preserve the short-vowel sound in a word like snap, we must double the final consonant. The addition of ed in its |t| form does not add another syllable to the word—snapped is pronounced |snăpt|.


LEARN the –ing and s endings. We must double the final consonant of a short-vowel word when adding ing: snapsnapping. This doubling will preserve the word’s short-vowel sound. When adding s, it is not necessary to double the final consonant—snap becomes snaps, not snapps.

Adding Suffixes to Short-Vowel Words:

ed ing s



bat batted batting bats spot spotted spotting spots pad padded padding pads fit fitted fitting fits


kid kidded kidding kids bud budded budding buds chat chatted chatting chats tat tatted tatting tats



drum drummed drumming drums fib fibbed fibbing fibs scan scanned scanning scans tan tanned tanning tans


jog jogged jogging jogs rob robbed robbing robs dim dimmed dimming dims slug slugged slugging slugs



snap snapped snapping snaps trip tripped tripping trips zap zapped zapping zaps step stepped stepping steps


hop hopped hopping hops clap clapped clapping claps slip slipped slipping slips flap flapped flapping flaps