Lesson 59

Instructions for Lesson 59

Introduce the pattern for adding the suffixes ed, ing, or es to a long-vowel word that ends in a silent e.
Also introduce the three possible pronunciations for the suffix ed when it is added to a root word that ends in silent e.

Adding ed, ing, or es to a Long-Vowel (Silent e) Root Word


NEW CONCEPT. When we have a long-vowel silent e root word and want to add ed, ing, or es to it, we drop the silent e and then add the suffix. See this pattern with gradegraded, grading, and grades. Depending on the root word, the ed ending will be pronounced |əd|, |d|, or |t|. To add s to a silent e long-vowel word, drop the e and add es.

When ed says |әd|


I & II NEW PATTERN. When a root word ends with the sound of d or t and we add ed, the word will be pronounced with the |әd| schwa sound as an extra syllable (graded, voted). Now look at the word vote, which ends in silent e preceded by a t. To add ed, we will drop the silent e and add –ed. This creates an additional syllable, and the word is now pronounced voted (|vōʹ • tәd|). The suffix ed is pronounced either |əd| or |ĕd|. The upside-down e, |ǝ|, known as a schwa, is pronounced like a shortened short-vowel u sound, |ŭ|. (See Lessons 65, 66, and 67)

When ed says |d|


III & IV INTRODUCE the |d| sound that comes with adding ed to a long-vowel (silent e) word that ends with a voiced sound. Consider the word tune. The silent e in tune is preceded by a voiced sound, n. True to pattern, we drop the silent e and add –ed. The word is pronounced |tünd|. The |d| sound does not add to the syllable count.


PRACTICE dropping the silent e in words and adding ed, ing or es, as with tunetuned, tuning, tunes. When the root word ends with a voiced consonant, the ed usually is pronounced with the voiced |d| sound (tuned, shined, ruled).

When ed says |t|


V & VI PRACTICE dropping the silent e from root words that end with a voiceless sound and add ed. This suffix is pronounced with a voiceless |t| sound, as in joked |jōkt|.


PRACTICE the spelling pattern for an ed, ing, or es suffix being added to a root word that ends in a voiceless consonant. Examples are jokejoked, joking, and jokes. In these instances, the ed is pronounced with the voiceless |t| sound.


Be sure to have your student spell all of the words in this lesson. As always, discuss the meanings of the words. Mark the completion chart accordingly.

Voiced or Voiceless Sounds


A Reminder: If pronouncing a letter causes your throat to vibrate, that sound is voiced. If no vibration occurs, the letter is considered voiceless.

Long-Vowel (Silent e) Words

Drop the silent e and add ed ing es
(ed will be pronounced in one of three ways: |ĕd| |d| |t|)



grade graded grading grades
taste tasted tasting tastes
code coded coding codes
skate skated skating skates


vote voted voting votes
wade waded wading wades
trade traded trading trades
glide glided gliding glides



tune tuned tuning tunes
rule ruled ruling rules
pave paved paving paves
bathe bathed bathing bathes


shine shined shining shines
score scored scoring scores
prime primed priming primes
weave weaved weaving weaves



joke joked joking jokes
rope roped roping ropes
wipe wiped wiping wipes
choke choked choking chokes


shape shaped shaping shapes
quake quaked quaking quakes
chafe chafed chafing chafes
hike hiked hiking hikes