Lesson 72

Instructions for Lesson 72

Introduce suffixes and end spellings.

I NEW CONCEPT. Introduce the suffixes and end spellings ful, fully, ac, ec, and ic. When adding an ly ending to a word that already ends in l (like joyful), we will end up with a double l (joyfully). Adding ly turns a word into an adverb, a word that describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.


Usually, the |k| sound ending of a short-vowel syllable or word is spelled ck. Very few syllables end with the letter c (lilac, Aztec, picnic).

II LEARN al, ant, en, and ent, as in dental, vacant, fallen, and parent.

III LEARN ish, ism, ance, and ence, as in finish, racism, balance, and absence. The ism ending consists of two syllables, |ĭz • әm|, as in racism. A syllable is supposed to have at least one vowel, but the m in ism is one of the few instances in which a syllable is spelled without a vowel.

Review: Suffixes and Endings


IV & V REVIEW ful, fully, ac, ec, ic, al, ant, en, ent, ish. ism, ance, and ence.



Spelling is a vital activity. Be sure that your student invests adequate time learning to spell every word in the lesson lists. Continue to discuss the meaning of words when your student first sees the word, and again when he spells it.

Suffixes and Word Endings


ful fully ac ec ic

joyful cupful willful artful bountiful usefully lawfully helpfully skillfully artfully lilac Aztec picnic traffic attic


al ant en ent

dental rental animal bridal carnival vacant distant giant servant blatant fallen beaten parent invent silent


ish ism ance ence

finish vanish punish rubbish abolish racism Communism balance entrance finance absence evidence essence audience commence

Review: Suffixes and Word Endings


Arctic consent blemish dental truism normal tropic basic finish public prism historic


economic distance residence widen Atlantic Pacific meridian continental beaten argument basement fabric


hopeful elegant final romance music influence joyfully electric Hawaii Georgia West Virginia Virginia

Challenge Words: antibiotic punishment blemishes

[an • ti • bi • ot • ic] [pun • ish • ment] [blem • ish • es]