Lesson 78

Instructions for Lesson 78

Introduce the |sh| pronunciation which has seven spelling patterns:
sh, ch, su, si, sc, ci, ce, and ti, as in sheep, chef, issue, Russia, crescendo, facial, ocean, and partial.


This lesson also introduces the sound of |shәn| and |kshәn|, spelled sion, cean, cian, tion, and xion, as in session, ocean, musician, motion, and complexion, respectively.

|sh| |shŭn|


I REVIEW the sh spelling pattern that says |sh|, as in sheep and push.

II LEARN the ch spelling pattern that says |sh|, as in chef. (This variant comes to us from the French language.)

III LEARN the su, si, and sc spelling patterns that say |sh|, as in issue, Russia, and crescendo. The en and the in in words like ensure and insure sound much the same, but they are indeed distinct. Check the dictionary with your student to learn the differences between these words. The word ensure refers to making sure something happens. The word insure relates to indemnification (insurance).

IV LEARN the |sh| sound of ci, ce, and ti, as in facial, ocean, and partial. One word is included in this list that has the ti spelling pronounced |shē|, as in negotiate. (Syllables like cial or cian are called final stable syllables.)

V LEARN the six ways of spelling or making the sound of |shŭn|, as in session, ocean, musician, motion, and complexion. The tion, sion, and xion spelling patterns are found at the end of a word (motion, session, and complexion). Occasionally, the tion and sion spelling patterns appear in the middle of a word (functional, actionable, missionary).

Review: |sh| |shŭn| |kshən|


VI REVIEW the sh, ch, su, si, sc, ci, ce, and ti spelling patterns that say |sh| and |shē|.


REVIEW the sion, cean, cian, tion, and xion spelling patterns that say |shŭn| or sometimes |shən| or |kshən|.

|sh| |shən|


sh = |sh|

sheep sharpen dish flashy shuffle push rushed shouted cashew shushed


ch = |sh|

chef chute chagrin charade chiffon schwa brochure machine Michigan Chicago


su, si, and sc = |sh|

issue sure sugar pressure erasure assure ensure insure Russia crescendo


ci, ce, and ti = |sh|

facial musician official delicious precious special glacier ocean partial negotiate


sion, cean, cian, and tion = |shən|

session mission tension mansion revulsion admission ocean musician magician dimension motion direction caption solution vacation section education station nation

xion = |kshən|


Review: |sh| |shən| |kshən|


tissue fresh direction nation information factions mission socially optician dimension ocean magician crescendo Russia appreciate crucial treasure shorten mansion complexion session aviation eruption caption admission charade schwa intersection recreation construction special question elevation sugar population partial Michigan reservation station education